最終更新 2006/12/01
RTAI - Real Time Application Interface API解説(ipc編) 
7.1 FIFO
int rtf_reset (unsigned int minor)
Reset a real-time FIFO

int rtf_resize (unsigned int minor, int size)
Resize a real-time FIFO

int rtf_create (unsigned int minor, int size)
Create a real-time FIFO
初期サイズsizeでリアルタイム fifo (RT - FIFO)を作り、fifo識別子をminorに割り当てます。

int rtf_destroy (unsigned int minor)
Close a real-time FIFO

int rtf_create_handler (unsigned int minor, int(*handler)(unsigned int fifo))
Install a FIFO handler function

int rtf_put (unsigned int minor, void *buf, int count)
Write data to FIFO

int rtf_get (unsigned int minor, void *buf, int count)
Read data from FIFO

int rtf_sem_init (unsigned int minor, int value)
Initialize a binary semaphore
ファイルディスクリプタfifo 番号によって識別されたセマフォを初期化します。

int rtf_sem_post (unsigned int minor)
Posting (signaling) a semaphore

int rtf_sem_trywait (unsigned int minor)
Take a semaphore, only if the calling task is not blocked.

int rtf_sem_destroy (unsigned int minor)
Delete a semaphore

7.2 Mailbox 関数
int _rt_mbx_evdrp (MBX *mbx, void *msg, int msg_size, int space)
  Receives bytes as many as possible leaving the message available for another receive.

int rt_typed_mbx_init (MBX *mbx, int size, int type)
  Initializes a fully typed mailbox queueing tasks according to the specified type.

int rt_mbx_init (MBX *mbx, int size)
  Initializes a mailbox.
 メールボックスをsizeで示す大きさで初期化します。mbx はユーザが割り当てた MBX 構造を指す。 メールボックスはタスク間通信のフレキシブルな手順である。タスクは任意のサイズのメッセージをどんなメールボックバッファサイズでも送ることを可能にする。

int rt_mbx_delete (MBX *mbx)
  Deletes a mailbox.
 rt_mbx_init () で作成されたメールボックスを削除します。

int _rt_mbx_send (MBX *mbx, void *msg, int msg_size, int space)
  Sends a message unconditionally.
メールボックス mbx に msg_size バイトのメッセージメッセージを送ります。メッセージ全体がメールボックスにコピーされる、あるいはエラーが発生するまで、ブロックされます。もし単一ショットでメッセージが送信可能としても、受信側に高優先度のタスクがあれば、送信タスクはブロックされます。

int _rt_mbx_send_wp (MBX *mbx, void *msg, int msg_size, int space)
  Sends as many bytes as possible without blocking the calling task.

int _rt_mbx_send_if (MBX *mbx, void *msg, int msg_size, int space)
  Sends a message, only if the whole message can be passed without blocking the calling task.

int _rt_mbx_send_until (MBX *mbx, void *msg, int msg_size, RTIME time, int space)
  Sends a message with absolute timeout.

int _rt_mbx_send_timed (MBX *mbx, void *msg, int msg_size, RTIME delay, int space)
  Sends a message with relative timeout.

int _rt_mbx_receive (MBX *mbx, void *msg, int msg_size, int space)
  Receives a message unconditionally.
メールボックス mbx から msg_size バイトのメッセージを受信します。メッセージの全部が到着するか、あるいはエラーが発生するまで、受信はブロックされる。

int _rt_mbx_receive_wp (MBX *mbx, void *msg, int msg_size, int space)
  Receives bytes as many as possible, without blocking the calling task.

int _rt_mbx_receive_if (MBX *mbx, void *msg, int msg_size, int space)
  Receives a message only if the whole message can be passed without blocking the calling task.

int _rt_mbx_receive_until (MBX *mbx, void *msg, int msg_size, RTIME time, int space)
  Receives a message with absolute timeout.

int _rt_mbx_receive_timed (MBX *mbx, void *msg, int msg_size, RTIME delay, int space)
  Receives a message with relative timeout.

int _rt_mbx_ovrwr_send (MBX *mbx, void *msg, int msg_size, int space)
  Sends a message overwriting what already in the buffer if there is no place for the message.

MBX * _rt_typed_named_mbx_init (unsigned long mbx_name, int size, int qtype)
  Initializes a specifically typed (fifo queued, priority queued or resource queued) mailbox identified by a name.

int rt_named_mbx_delete (MBX *mbx)
  Deletes a named mailbox.


7.3 Message handling 関数
RT_TASK * rt_send (RT_TASK *task, unsigned int msg)
  Send a message.
 メッセージをtaskで指定されるタスクに送ります。 もし受信タスクがメッセージ受信準備ができていれば、 送信タスクはブロックされません、しかし、もし受取タスクがより高いプライオリティを持っているなら、その送信側の実行はプリエンプトされます。 受信準備ができていなければ送信タスクはブロックされて、プライオリティオーダーで受信待ち行列に入れられる。

RT_TASK * rt_send_if (RT_TASK *task, unsigned int msg)
  Send a message, only if the calling task will not be blocked.

RT_TASK * rt_send_until (RT_TASK *task, unsigned int msg, RTIME time)
RT_TASK * rt_send_timed (RT_TASK *task, unsigned int msg, RTIME delay)
RT_TASK * rt_rpc (RT_TASK *task, unsigned int to_do, unsigned int *result)
  Make a remote procedure call.

RT_TASK * rt_rpc_if (RT_TASK *task, unsigned int to_do, unsigned int *result)
  Make a remote procedure call, only if the calling task will not be blocked.

RT_TASK * rt_rpc_until (RT_TASK *task, unsigned int to_do, unsigned int *result, RTIME time)  Make a remote procedure call with an absolute timeout.

RT_TASK * rt_rpc_timed (RT_TASK *task, unsigned int to_do, unsigned int *result, RTIME delay)  Make a remote procedure call with a relative timeout.

int rt_isrpc (RT_TASK *task)
  Check if sender waits for reply or not.

RT_TASK * rt_return (RT_TASK *task, unsigned int result)
  Return (sends) the result back to the task that made the related remote procedure call.

RT_TASK * rt_evdrp (RT_TASK *task, unsigned int *msg)
  Eavedrop (spy) the content of a message.

RT_TASK * rt_receive (RT_TASK *task, unsigned int *msg)
  Receive a message.
 taskによって指定されたタスクからメッセージを受けとります。もしtask=0なら、全ての送信タスクからのメッセージを受け入れます。もしペンディングメッセージがあるなら、 受信タスクはブロックしません、しかし、もし受信メッセージを 送信したタスクがより高いプライオリティを持っているなら、プリエンプトされます。もしそのメッセージが、タスクを rpcing するならば、普通メッセージの返送を待ちますから、この場合タスクはブロックしないでしょう。

RT_TASK * rt_receive_if (RT_TASK *task, unsigned int *msg)
  Receive a message, only if the calling task is not blocked.

RT_TASK * rt_receive_until (RT_TASK *task, unsigned int *msg, RTIME time)
  Receive a message with an absolute timeout.

RT_TASK * rt_receive_timed (RT_TASK *task, unsigned int *msg, RTIME delay)
  Receive a message with a relative timeout.

RT_TASK * rt_rpcx (RT_TASK *task, void *smsg, void *rmsg, int ssize, int rsize)
  Make an extended remote procedure call.

RT_TASK * rt_rpcx_if (RT_TASK *task, void *smsg, void *rmsg, int ssize, int rsize)
  Make an extended remote procedure call, only if the calling task will not be blocked.

RT_TASK * rt_rpcx_until (RT_TASK *task, void *smsg, void *rmsg, int ssize, int rsize, RTIME time)  Make an extended remote procedure call with absolute timeout.

RT_TASK * rt_rpcx_timed (RT_TASK *task, void *smsg, void *rmsg, int ssize, int rsize, RTIME delay)
  Make an extended remote procedure call with a relative timeout.

RT_TASK * rt_sendx (RT_TASK *task, void *msg, int size)
  Send an extended message.

RT_TASK * rt_sendx_if (RT_TASK *task, void *msg, int size)
  Send an extended message, only if the calling task will not be blocked.

RT_TASK * rt_sendx_until (RT_TASK *task, void *msg, int size, RTIME time)
  Send an extended message with absolute timeout.

RT_TASK * rt_sendx_timed (RT_TASK *task, void *msg, int size, RTIME delay)
  Send an extended message with relative timeout.

RT_TASK * rt_returnx (RT_TASK *task, void *msg, int size)
  Return (sends) an extended result back to the task that made the related extended remote procedure call.

RT_TASK * rt_evdrpx (RT_TASK *task, void *msg, int size, int *len)
  Eavedrop (spy) the content of an extended message.

RT_TASK * rt_receivex (RT_TASK *task, void *msg, int size, int *len)
  Receive an extended message.

RT_TASK * rt_receivex_if (RT_TASK *task, void *msg, int size, int *len)
  Receive an extended message, only if the calling task is not blocked.

RT_TASK * rt_receivex_until (RT_TASK *task, void *msg, int size, int *len, RTIME time)
  Receive an extended message with an absolute timeout.

RT_TASK * rt_receivex_timed (RT_TASK *task, void *msg, int size, int *len, RTIME delay)
  Receive an extended message with a relative timeout.


7.4 セマフォ 関数

void rt_typed_sem_init (SEM *sem, int value, int type)
  Initialize a specifically typed (counting, binary, resource) semaphore.

void rt_sem_init (SEM *sem, int value)
  Initialize a counting semaphore.
 semで指定されるカウンティング fifo queueing セマフォを初期化します。

int rt_sem_delete (SEM *sem)
  Delete a semaphore.
 rt_sem_init () で作られたセマフォをデリートします。

int rt_sem_signal (SEM *sem)
  Signaling a semaphore.
 多くは、タスクがクリティカルリージョンにから出るときに呼ばれます。セマフォ値を増加してテストします。 もしセマフォ値 =<0 ならば、このセマフォの待ち行列で最初のタスクが実行可能にされます。rt_sem_signal は呼び出し側タスクをブロックしません。

int rt_sem_broadcast (SEM *sem)
  Signaling a semaphore.

int rt_sem_wait (SEM *sem)
  Take a semaphore.
 多くは、タスクがクリティカルリージョンに入るときに呼ばれます。セマフォ値を減算してテストをします。もし、セマフォ値 >=0 であれば、直ちに戻ります。さもなければ呼び出しタスクはブロックされて、待ち行列に入れられます。待ち行列のプライオリティオーダーかFIFOベースかはコンパイル時オプション SEM_PRIORD によって決定されます。

int rt_sem_wait_if (SEM *sem)
  Take a semaphore, only if the calling task is not blocked.

int rt_sem_wait_until (SEM *sem, RTIME time)
  Wait a semaphore with timeout.

int rt_sem_wait_timed (SEM *sem, RTIME delay)
  Wait a semaphore with timeout.

int rt_sem_wait_barrier (SEM *sem)
  Wait on a semaphore barrier.

int rt_cond_signal (CND *cnd)
  Wait for a signal to a conditional variable.

int rt_cond_wait (CND *cnd, SEM *mtx)
  Wait for a signal to a conditional variable.

int rt_cond_wait_until (CND *cnd, SEM *mtx, RTIME time)
  Wait a semaphore with timeout.

int rt_cond_wait_timed (CND *cnd, SEM *mtx, RTIME delay)
  Wait a semaphore with timeout.

int rt_rwl_init (RWL *rwl)
  Initialize a multi readers single writer lock.

int rt_rwl_delete (RWL *rwl)
  destroys a multi readers single writer lock.

int rt_rwl_rdlock (RWL *rwl)
  acquires a multi readers single writer lock for reading.

int rt_rwl_rdlock_if (RWL *rwl)
  try to acquire a multi readers single writer lock just for reading.

int rt_rwl_rdlock_until (RWL *rwl, RTIME time)
  try to acquire a multi readers single writer lock for reading within an absolute deadline time.

int rt_rwl_rdlock_timed (RWL *rwl, RTIME delay)
  try to acquire a multi readers single writer lock for reading within a relative deadline time.

int rt_rwl_wrlock (RWL *rwl)
  acquires a multi readers single writer lock for wrtiting.

int rt_rwl_wrlock_if (RWL *rwl)
  acquires a multi readers single writer lock for writing.

int rt_rwl_wrlock_until (RWL *rwl, RTIME time)
  try to acquire a multi readers single writer lock for writing within an absolute deadline time.

int rt_rwl_wrlock_timed (RWL *rwl, RTIME delay)
  try to acquire a multi readers single writer lock for writing within a relative deadline time.

int rt_rwl_unlock (RWL *rwl)
  unlock an acquired multi readers single writer lock.

int rt_spl_init (SPL *spl)
  Initialize a spinlock.

int rt_spl_delete (SPL *spl)
  Initialize a spinlock.

int rt_spl_lock (SPL *spl)
  Acquire a spinlock.

int rt_spl_lock_if (SPL *spl)
  Acquire a spinlock without waiting.

int rt_spl_lock_timed (SPL *spl, unsigned long ns)  Acquire a spinlock with timeout.

int rt_spl_unlock (SPL *spl)  Release an owned spinlock.

SEM * _rt_typed_named_sem_init (unsigned long sem_name, int value, int type)  Initialize a specifically typed (counting, binary, resource) semaphore identified by a name.

int rt_named_sem_delete (SEM *sem)  Delete a semaphore initialized in named mode.

RWL * _rt_named_rwl_init (unsigned long rwl_name)  Initialize a multi readers single writer lock identified by a name.

int rt_named_rwl_delete (RWL *rwl)  Delete a multi readers single writer lock in named mode.

SPL * _rt_named_spl_init (unsigned long spl_name)  Initialize a spinlock identified by a name.

int rt_named_spl_delete (SPL *spl)  Delete a spinlock in named mode.


7.5 シェアードメモリのインプリメンテーション
void * rt_shm_alloc (unsigned long name, int size, int suprt)
  Allocate a chunk of memory to be shared inter-intra kernel modules and Linux processes.

void * rt_heap_open (unsigned long name, int size, int suprt)
  Open/create a named group real time heap to be shared inter-intra kernel modules and Linux processes.
7.6 ダイナミックメモリアロケーション サービス
int rtheap_init (rtheap_t *heap, void *heapaddr, u_long heapsize, u_long pagesize)
  Initialize a memory heap.

void rtheap_destroy (rtheap_t *heap)
  Destroys a memory heap.

void * rtheap_alloc (rtheap_t *heap, u_long size, int mode)
  Allocate a memory block from a memory heap.
nt rtheap_free (rtheap_t *heap, void *block)
  Release a memory block to a memory heap.


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